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The Ins and Outs of Taxis in Puerto Vallarta

Taxi Safe in Puerto Vallarta


This is a new website that promises to help keeping Puerto Vallarta taxi system safe and friendly, is sponsored by the south side Vallarta hotels, restaurants, bars & clubs.

On this website you can file an anonymous report of any problems that you found during your visit in Puerto Vallarta and have something to do with the taxi system or the police system.

The way it works is very simple, if you are still in PV, please take your signed report along with a copy of your government issued ID to any establishment displaying the TaxiSafe logo. They will witness your signature and forward the report to the authorities. If you already let the city then you can do all of this by email (you can find the email address on their site)

Some of the recommendations to the general public that they offer are:

Always take a secure taxi at night – Ask your venue to call for a taxi for you and record the car’s number

Don’t carry unnecessary valuables at night – Bring only your ID and the cash or credit card that you will need.

Obey local laws – Don’t drink, carry drugs, urinate or be disorderly on the streets, do not sleep on the beach.

Report crimes promptly with details – You may report anonymously but please file a report.

Report problems with taxis or police – Without reporting nothing can be done.

To file a report please visit:  taxisafepv.com

NOTE: taxisafepv.com is only for Puerto Vallarta tourists to report crimes by police or taxi drivers for internal investigation. This is not a formal criminal complaint but will be invaluable to the authorities. TaxiSafe cannot accept any other types of crime reports.

For help in an emergency in Puerto Vallarta call 066.


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Best Puerto Vallarta Tours blogs about Puerto Vallarta and all the best activities and tours here in P.V. Best Tours in Puerto Vallarta also has a great list of things not to be missed, taxis rules, buses, and other odd info bits and dos and don'ts in Puerto Vallarta. So whether you are a casual vacationer or the seasoned traveler, our blog is meant just for you! Welcome to our home...


One thought on “Taxi Safe in Puerto Vallarta

  1. What a smart idea! Although PV is extremely safe, Mexico has gotten some bad press lately. Hopefully this new website will help alleviate travelers’ fears and encourage more people to visit PV.

    Posted by Colleen | November 25, 2012, 9:51 pm

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Puerto Vallarta Tours and Activities

November 2012

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